We’ve all heard the buzz around Mr. FoW, but what lies beneath the surface of this multi-talented artist and entrepreneur? Let’s dive into a conversation that goes beyond the music.

Q: First, let’s talk about your latest hit, mDNA (ft. Duchess). What inspired you to create “mDNA,” and what message do you hope it conveys to listeners?

Mr. FoW: “mDNA” was born out of a desire to connect with people on a deeper level. I wanted to create music that speaks to the soul, that sparks conversations, and that ultimately inspires positive change. The message is simple: we’re all connected, we all have a story to tell, and music is a powerful tool to bridge those gaps.

Q: “mDNA” features a collaboration with Duchess. How do you approach collaborations, and what do you look for in a collaborator?

Mr. FoW: Collaboration is like a conversation. It’s about finding someone whose voice complements yours and who challenges you to grow as an artist. With Duchess, it was instant chemistry. We both have this drive to create something meaningful, something that resonates with people on a deeper level.

Q: Mr. FoW, your music seems to be a melting pot of influences. What artists have shaped your sound?

Mr. FoW: Oh man, where do I even start? It’s a mix of everything, from the soulful sounds of Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye to the raw energy of Kendrick Lamar and the experimental vibes of Tyler, the Creator. I’m also inspired by artists outside of music, like filmmakers, painters, and even tech innovators.

Q: You’ve built a massive online community with Guide. How does that intersect with your music career?

Mr. FoW: It’s all connected, really. Guide is about empowering people to find their voice and their purpose. My music is an extension of that, a way to connect with people on a deeper level and inspire them to chase their dreams.

Q: “Bush Boi” was a breakthrough album for you. What was the creative process like for that project?

Mr. FoW: “Bush Boi” was a very personal project. It was born out of a time of introspection and healing during the pandemic. It’s a raw and honest look at my journey, my struggles, and my triumphs. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there’s always hope and a path forward.

Q: You’re not just a musician, you’re an entrepreneur and an advocate for mental health. How do you juggle all of these roles?

Mr. FoW: It’s definitely a balancing act! But I’ve learned to prioritize and delegate. And honestly, all of these roles feed into each other. My entrepreneurial spirit fuels my creativity, and my advocacy work gives me a deeper purpose. It’s all about finding that sweet spot where everything works together harmoniously.

Q: You’re a vocal advocate for mental health awareness. Why is that issue so important to you?

Mr. FoW: We all struggle sometimes. It’s a part of being human. But for too long, there’s been a stigma around talking about mental health. I want to change that. I want people to know it’s okay to not be okay, and it’s important to seek help when you need it.

Q: You’ve been featured in some major publications. What does that recognition mean to you?

Mr. FoW: It’s incredibly humbling and validating. It’s a reminder that my work is resonating with people and making a real impact. But it also motivates me to keep pushing myself and to keep creating art that matters.

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of being an artist and entrepreneur?

Mr. FoW: For me, it’s the connection I have with my audience. Whether it’s through my music or my work with Guide, knowing that I’m making a positive difference in people’s lives is the ultimate reward.

Q: What’s one thing you hope people take away from your music?

Mr. FoW: I hope they feel seen, heard, and understood. I hope my music gives them the courage to be themselves, to chase their dreams, and to never give up on what makes them unique.

Q: What’s the most meaningful feedback you’ve received from a fan?

Mr. FoW: A fan once told me that my music helped them through a really tough time. That’s the kind of impact I strive for. Knowing that my music can bring solace or joy to someone is the greatest reward.

Q: What’s your favorite way to unwind and recharge when you’re not making music or building your business?

Mr. FoW: Honestly, I love to travel. Exploring new cultures, trying different foods, and simply observing the world around me fuels my creativity and keeps me grounded.

Q: Lastly, what’s next for Mr. FoW?

Mr. FoW: The possibilities are endless! I’m always working on new music, new projects, and new ways to connect with my audience. I’m excited to see where this journey takes me next.

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