I was separated from my birth family at the tender age of two months, only to be placed into DCF care and then adopted into a neglectful and abusive environment. That’s the life I was brought into, along with my sister who, being two years older, was just as much a victim as I was.

With the neglect and abuse beginning when I was as young as three, it is no wonder I ended up becoming a headstrong and angry child. Having faced adversity at such a young age, I soon found myself in a special education school in first grade.

This cycle of being targeted for simply expressing who I am became a relentless game, bouncing from school to school, persecuted by peers and teachers alike.

Life at home wasn’t any easier, with the abuse and neglect continuing unabated. When you’re faced with such circumstances, you quickly learn that you’re on your own. You become fiercely independent, refusing to follow orders that you know are wrong, regardless of the age of the person issuing them. Finding myself back in foster care at the age of 11, I was momentarily reprieved when sent home under the strict rule of no physical harm.

Unfortunately, this didn’t last long, and soon we were back under the care of the system. Eventually, I was placed in foster care for a year, during which time my sister and I were separated due to her inability to adhere to certain guidelines.

Just before turning 13, I returned home. My sister followed six months later only for us to be plunged back into the care system in May. It was then that I found out that my sister had been dishonest and manipulative towards me. In addition to facing the trials of the system, I felt betrayed by my sister.

Music became my sanctuary during these turbulent times; a pair of headphones served as my shield against the world. I’ve held on to this practice for most of my life.

When I finally emerged from the clutches of DCF at the age of 18 – the system illegally forging my signature to declare the transaction done – I had already weathered tremendous adversity within its confines.

This is when I embraced music wholeheartedly. I devoted hours each day for three years, honing my craft, experimenting with different octaves, styles, and sounds, and even learning how to physically feel my vocal cords. While I couldn’t sing when I started, I now can produce beautiful melodies. Although I steer clear of autotuning and pitch correction, I don’t shy away from using special effects like echoes and reverb.

Music was not my only solace during this time – I also danced four times a week while maintaining a full-time job. I had my share of romantic misadventures with despicable men, but eventually, I found my soulmate in Jesse White, widely known as Aussie Jay.

Together, we have built a fulfilling life, starting Avasa Records, LLC, and constantly working towards a brighter future.

Music is no longer just a passion for me, but also a testament to my growth and resilience. Every improvement I’ve made is a result of hard work and perseverance.

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